عدد المساهمات : 6050نقاط : 25371احترام القوانين : 29تاريخ التسجيل : 25/08/2009العمر : 34العمل/الترفيه : مصمم ومبرمج
موضوع: Add-ons for FarmVille الثلاثاء مايو 01, 2012 6:44 pm
Warning! These links are not all approved by Zynga. You use them at your own risk!
I'm providing these only to give you an idea of some things that are out there.
Make sure you test them out for yourself or find a version that works for your browser before you commit to anything.
Do not post to me about things not working properly as I do not maintain ANY of the sites listed.
The Official FarmVille Game Bar – By Zygna
For Firefox and Internet Explorer, you can download the Zynga Toolbar. You can see when crops are ready, get extra fuel and access your other zynga games too. You get 10 farm cash for installing it. It may slow down your computer so consider email alerts instead. http://toolbar.zynga.com/install/farmville/
Email alerts from Zynga. **Trusted and awesome**
Click 'email preferences' at the bottom of your screen under your farm. Set it so you get a notification when it's time to harvest if you don't use the above game bar so you never miss a harvest! http://www.farmville.com/settings.php?ref=emailPreferences
FV Extender for Chrome
Extender allows you to 'accept all' gifts on your requests page at one time. You can send back a gift when using this extension! Consider going through and manually ignoring things you don't want before you use the automatic feature. For more info see our article: How to Accept and Return ALL FarmVille Gifts with one Click, Chrome Extension.
You can even type in a message to send back with the gift!
You can continue working on other things in another window or tab while this runs. If you want to see the progress on this screen again, it might be behind your main screen as it pops up in a separate window.
FV Feed Filter for Chrome
Filters your feed to show just Farmville posts and lets you select which posts you'd like to see.https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/peamljoajfociidjpenajenjpdfllehl
Bonus checkers
There are a few applications that do this. Let me first distinguish them as NOT being cheats. They do NOT collect all the bonuses for you, they only aggregate the list of them on one page, and you still have to click through them all. Use these applications to get supplies or bonuses when a new feature comes out and the feed is too full to manage. Always remember to go back and 'like' someones post or send a 'yes and thank you' gift if you get something special! Watch this youtube video for a demonstration of how this works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btNyEqR9wEM FV Bonus Checker - https://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=175804218660
There are programs, applications and scripts out there that people can install that ARE cheats. Please avoid those as your account will be at risk of being disabled for both FarmVille and Facebook! Warnings
Warning! These links are not all approved by Zynga. You use them at your own risk!
I'm providing these only to give you an idea of some things that are out there.
Make sure you test them out for yourself or find a version that works for your browser before you commit to anything.
Do not post to me about things not working properly as I do not maintain ANY of the sites listed.